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Posted by punkmonkey75 at on August 28, 2001 at 08:44:41:

In Reply to: Re: KEV, YOUR VULGARITY CONFUSES ME posted by _Chronic_ on August 28, 2001 at 02:59:29:

: : : Alright, I just got through reading most of these posts, and since I
: : haven't threw my two cents in, I'm feeling left out. So, here it goes.
: : (This will probably sound very redundant after all the other replies,
: : no one is forcing you to read it)

: : : PunkMonkey, did you meet God in person? Did he tell you with his
: : own words (or perhaps by means of Mesotron if the movies are
: : correct) that Christianity is the only way?

: : -Yep, that's what the Bible sez!

: : Hah! The very idea that there is only one way to heaven is absurd!
: : you honestly believe that anyone who deos follow your religion is
: : going to hell? What kind of benevolent celestial being denies an
: : afterlife to people that haven't even had the chance to become a
: : Christian?

: : -The Bible says that ALL will be judged on what they did with their
: : knowledgeo of God. It's inborn into us. It's not for us to know the
: : exact details of how God is going to deal with each of us. God gave
: : his Son's life to erase the sins of the world. To spit on and deny is
: : sacrifice is the gravest of sins. Think about if you sacrificed your
: : so a death row inmate could gain freedom. Then that inmate
: : your sacrifice - didn't even say thank you - IN FACT, he went around
: : denying that you had anything to do with his salvation, that he did it
: : himself! And you wasted your son's life on him! How would that
: : make you feel? God desires that NO ONE live in eternal
: : That's why He provided a way out! All you have to do is believe and
: : accept it. But, no. Your pride is to great. Well, God can't do any
: : for you without robbing you of your free will. He didn't make us
: : you know.

: : No, those are not the words of God, but rather corrupted priests
: : scholars in the early 100 A.D.s that sought only to control with fear.
: : a very simple equation, folks - Priests and scholars need money to
: : fund the steady growth of thousands of christian churches. Of
: : the donations from all the good Christians help, but it seems the
: : drawing power of our savior isn't quite enough to bring in the big
: : bucks. So we change a few words, add a new couple verses to the
: : bible, and suddenly, people are flocking the mad to save
: : from... well, themselves. Suddenly, God is angry and vengeful, and
: : Jesus wasn't here just to save us, but also to warn us about not
: : being good christians and following his path.

: : -Not a word of the original translation of the Bible has been
: : or added to since the origin of the book. This is scholarly and
: : historical FACT. To argue against it is...stupid. Of course it takes
: : money to spread the gospel. Missionary journeys ain't free.
: : utilities ain't free. The government takes so much of your money to
: : fund useless things. God asks for so little.

: : Now, Priests begin preaching that you can buy your way into
: : with donations to the church, and suddenly, all the easily
: : manipulated people are flocking to their savior.

: : -Anybody who preaches that preaches a lie. Jesus has nothing to
: : with that and condemns it in the Bible.

: : I'm not a very religious person, in fact I honestly have no religion. I
: : think there is a God, and an afterlife, but I don't believe in any one
: : single deity, because it's that kind of blind faith that leads to wars
: : violence. How can you hold one thing to be true, well someone
: : holds the exact opposite to be true? It deosn't work deos it? Uh-oh,
: : now we've got a problem with a seemingly very simple solution -
: : everyone who deosn't believe.

: : -Yes, that's just what Jesus said. Kill everybody else. Your
: : is astounding!

: : Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated. And all in the name of
: : our lord, Jesus Christ. Wonderful. I hope you're comfortable
: : slaughtering people because of some work of FICTION written
: : you were even born. Asshole.

: : -The Bible is historical FACT. It's proven through archaeology. Do
: : some real research before you go spouting ignorance and lies. So
: : what if it was written before I was born? The Declaration of
: : Independence was written before YOU were born, so I guess you
: : have no freedoms listed therein, huh? If these weak arguments
: : the best you can do, maybe you should just be quiet. Find out the
: : Truth for yourself.

: The bible is not in any way factual you fucking dote.

-This is an argument you can't win. It will be shown to you on
judgment day. The Bible contains a full history of the nation of Israel
and all the kings and rulers therein line up with historical documents
that have been discovered relating to the pertinent time periods.

Do you honestly think that with the thousands of interpretations and
authors that have worked on the many different versions that any facts
would not have been obscured by opinion by now? Shit, there is even
a version of the Bible that claims Jesus was a very mean and nasty
child, and any other kids that wouldn't play with him ended up dead!\

-The original handwritten texts of the Bible are still intact. So current
translations can be based on the original language's exact words. I
can't help if some sickos try to distort the words of the Bible, but the
Bible CAN be found unaltered and accurate to the original. I don't
know what warped translation you are speaking of, but it certainly isn't
one that's made it's way into the hands of many people.

Don't start preaching to me you pompous little bitch.

-I WILL preach till i'm blue in the face. It is my spritual duty and
people like you will NEVER dissuade me despite your
pseudo-intellectual rhetoric.

I've helped my sister through three different college courses in
theology, so why don't you get your facts straight, hmm? The FACT is,
that my arguments are quite valid and filled with quite a bit of reason,
while yours are based on a belief-structure that's been formed FOR
you by someone you don't even know.

-I DO know Him. His name is Jesus Christ. Why don't you try to get
to know him as well?

And don't even try to tell me that a single word in the Bible hasn't been
changed, you naive little bastard. Maybe the book stayed they same
but how do dull do have to be to believe that the translators,
interpretors and anyone else working on it would not alter it in the very
least. Now, to say that the Bible never preached violence has got to
be one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. Many versions include
passages that depict God as very vengeful person who struck down
those who opposed him. Look at you own fucking "Angel of Death"
before you start spouting that bullshit.

-That's Old Testament literature written when God was forming the
nation of Israel into His people. It was very important for them to be
upright and flawless in their beliefs. That is why such strict
punishments were meted out. Most of these nations that were
"destroyed" by God were highly evil nations who practiced all sorts of
abominable things (including sacrificing their children up on the
blazing hot arms of their metal idols). They had been given
HUNDREDS of years to repent and turn from their evil ways by God
before He stepped in to erase their horrible influence from the land.
His Holy people Israel could not live in the same land as these
wicked people for risk of diluting or corrupting God's message. The
new testament contains no such endorsements of death and
destruction. Jesus made a new covenant with His people and we
are to show God's love and leave the eternal judgment up to Him.
Any theology course worth its salt would have taught you all this.
Thank you for all the lowbrow name-calling, though. I have obviously
touched a sore spot with you. I don't know what this means, perhaps
you are running from God and feel guilty about some things. I pray
that God would cause you to have restlessness until you come to
Him. Thanks for your time.

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