Posted by VioLenT BoB (Dr.J0nes) at on January 02, 2003 at 03:41:27:
In Reply to: I thought the fact of the matter was that you're posted by Something-Like-37 on January 02, 2003 at 03:34:59:
You're animosity towards his 'over-posting' is unwarranted and unnecessary but not unexpected. The truth of the matter is, at the given moments of his posting, he wanted to ask a question and maybe partake in meaningful dialogue about a subject supposedly near to the hearts of all who would read, and you had the equal desire to be a dick to some nameless entity on a webboard because it gives you a small rush; makes you feel better about yourself.
That's fine. Its a simple thing really. The purple links are one's that you've clicked on. The blue one's are posts you haven't read. If the subject line doesn't intrigue you, there's no reason to make that blue turn purple. But the amount of blue is of none of your concern.
Here's where you could throw in a mealy mouthed objection (sue me, I'm a quoter) about boardspace, bandwidth, and/or general loading time. But the time of the man ultimately responsible for the majority of questions asked on this site is of much more value than yours(to a ridiculous degree).
If it pisses Kevin off, he'll let you know.
In short and in closing,
Let he who is without ego and worthless,trifling spam cast the first flame.