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Posted by loiosh at on September 21, 2001 at 02:08:51:

Some may think that the following is going to be off topic. But I ask you,If whats going on in the world isnt stopped..then theyre may be no message board for mr Smith to continue,and You,no...,we may not have a voice.Think about that..........
I wasnt able to see the presidents speech,or for that matter see john stewart on the daily show.I wasnt near a television. But I just read the transcript of the president.and then came here. i read the board and what things caught my attention.I then felt the urge to post this.You see my peers we as a nation are being spoken for. And I dont care for HOW the words are being said. I agree with the spirit of the president,and although I didnt vote for,and dont care for( proffesionally) George W bush,I support him,as should we allin these times.But reading what I did tonight brought one word to my mind. Rightiousness..( O.k. I cant spell I know this)WHen you tell the world your with us or agianst us you sound like a bully.When you tell the world that we're not at war against Islam,but with terrorist,amd you dont make an emphisis on regardless of what your religious beliefs are, you sound foolish. I know when I think of a terrorist,even before this tragedy I think of people of middle eastern dissent..most of whom are members of the islamic faith.A far second the IRA. Bush has proven in the past his political weakness is foriegn affairs.
Tonight I feel he confirmed this.
Now remember I was the guy that, with several others last week, help defend a little corner store from a racial attack. people were on the verge of violence because of theyre ethnic and religious background.
I was also the guy who said we need to show the unity we started on the 11 of sept,everyday for the rest of our life.That statement indeed meant unity with our government as well. I show that unity by this post.I dont like Bush politicaly but I suport him and respect him. I show that respect by making this constructive critisms about his speech tonight.
This is a very delicate matter.Our government needs to acknowledge that and treat it as such.I dont know how they can do that,I'm not paid to know how.But its needed.If not we will loose the foriegn support we've worked so desparatly to achieve
Some of you will read this and say damn this long winded motherfucker! America love it or leave it! Well I love America.. It is metaphorically my family.If my family is in peril and I dont agree with how they handle that peril I speak up and try to help fix the problem,not abandon it...
sorry for the lenght and the off topic...

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