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Posted by Winston_Smith at dca6-tgn-zuh-vty83.as.wcom.net on September 19, 2001 at 13:16:38:

In Reply to: Sigh. I honestly don't know what to say. *nt* posted by zeta on September 19, 2001 at 12:31:24:

: : This is kinda sad/scary/bizzare
: : http://music.yahoo.com/music/news/launch/story.html?a=n/music/news/launch/rock/20010917/8/p1&b=n/music/news/launch/rock/20010917/8/p2

: : Now, I'm glad they banned "Walk Like An Egyptian", but jeez, the Beatles?
: : Its so damn arbitrary... why isn't REM's "Its the end of the world as we know it?" on it?

: : People suck, dammit.

Quite simply, it is censorship. However, I think it goes much deeper than that. It seems to me that this is just exactly what you'd expect from the US as a whole. What?? there's a problem?? Well, let's just eradicate any mention of it, and stop looking at is and go back to our lives and forget about it. I'm suprised they haven't just put a big blue tarp over New York City and tried to convince everyone that it was never even there. Shit, they pulled Sinatra's "New York, New York". Why? hoping we'll all forget about it? We have a fundamental problem in the country with our ability to comprehend and deal with tragedy, differing views or any other thing that disrupts our current way of life. I'm suprised there hasn't been a public burning of the books that dare to mention the WTC or any other thing currently considered wholesome. I've heard that there is legislation pending that would allow a suspension of the current ability of the police to hold a suspect for 24 hours. I hate to say it, but that is a suspension of civil liberties, and it scares me. Just because the intelligence community fucked up doesn't give them the ability to suspend certain civil liberties. Don't get me wrong, I'm just as adamant about catching the people who did this as anyone else, but we walk a *very* fine line right now, and things like the music ban scare me. God forbid you listen to Rage Against the Machine, it might make you think about current issues in this country. People deal with things like this in different ways, and far be it for me to tell people how to deal with, why should someone tell me that Metallica is an inappropriate way to deal with this? Argh, this just pisses me off. Flame away-

"It was a bright, cold April day, and the clocks were striking thirteen"

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