A Kevin for Kevin. Please Kevin to my Kevin soon.

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Posted by Mieskie at dhcp024-166-076-172.neo.rr.com on September 19, 2001 at 13:01:54:

I just like saying Kevin a lot, but perhaps I should call this one...


--------------Insert Inane ABC NEWS Music Here---------------------------

I can't believe the number of posts jumping on Kevin's ass for his posts on the WTC tragedy. And I am truly shocked at how many dummies want to say this is all a result of us throwing our weight around in the Middle East, laying off the blame on our government rather than on the head of the terrorists.

Hey, ladies and germs, our country tried isolationism once before. That phase ended when we got our asses bombed off in 1941. We delayed and delayed getting involved in that war for three years, which only resulted in Pearl Harbor and a much stronger Hitler-Japan alliance than we would have had to face if we had gotten off our butts in 1938.

Kevin's right on the money when he says this all came about thanks to (paraphrasing here) psychotic fanaticism. If you can't figure that out, think about your nutty ex-significant other who can't stand you so much that she spits fire in your face no matter what you say. You could compliment her dress or throw acid on her coochie, but she doesn't see the difference between either because she's so blinded by her hate for you.

Or him. Whatever.

Although I guess perhaps if you are that nutty ex, maybe this is all lost on you.

In any case, ignoring the world and sticking our heads in the sand doesn't make us safer. It didn't work in 1938, and it wouldn't have meant jack in 2001. Psychos don't act as a reaction to what you do. They act based on whatever nutty messages are being beamed into their heads from the Planet Xenon. That's what makes them psychos. If you aren't senselessly violent for no reason, then you aren't a psycho. Then you would just be Affleck.

So jump on Kevin about his movies, or his beard, or those dorky shorts he always wears. Have any opinion you please. Just lay of da man for his noochie opinions on Osama Bin Laydownandtakeituptheasthma. He's right on the money about that one.

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