J&SB...is this the end, my beautiful friend?

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Posted by ZenDragon at spider-tm063.proxy.aol.com on September 20, 2001 at 16:42:31:

I think it is unlikely that we would NEVER see Jay and Silent Bob again. Perhaps one of the following situations will come to pass and may thusly warrant the return of Budboy and the Silent Knight...

Scenario 1 : When she reaches driving age, Kevin buys his daughter, Harley, a car and feels the need to "teenie-bopper-chick" it out complete with leopard print seat covers, matching faux leopard fur steering wheel cover and rear view mirror cover, a ROXY sticker on the rear window, a license plate that reads HARLEYQ, and of course one of those oh-so-original "but but but I'm the princess" license plate frames. Having forgot the access code to his Uncle Scrooge-esque sized moneyvault, Mr. Smith, short on cash, decides that if he can make a sequel to Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back, he might make just enough money on the whole endeavor to afford that ROXY sticker and *maybe* a locksmith to open the moneyvault. hehe...kidding of course, o' Mighty Kevster!

Scenario 2 : Aliens begin to stage a mass-invasion of Earth. The United States, as head of the international coalition to save our planet, decide that we desperately need the help of as many young men and women as we can muster to enlist in our military. Seeking a way to reach the super-distracted masses of music-blarin', video-game-playin', comic-book-readin', or pot-smokin' youthful-types, the government implores Kevin to create a recruitment video to be aired on MTV, in which Jay and Silent Bob give up their idle ways, do the responsible thing and after getting quick crewcuts, join the Air Force ("The best way to get REALLY HIGH!"). This video ends with music asking "How many people want to kick some ass?", to which Jay and Silent Bob reply "I do, I do!" The government recommended phrase tacked on the end? "Be like Jay and Silent Bob, because not doing so is not only un-American, but inhuman!"

Scenario 3: In a post-apocalyptic world covered with water, Kevin Costner, no longer a second-rate actor in romantic comedies, but now a postman, discovers that "...dry land is not a myth!" and sets out to discover it. On the way, however, he decides that if he can dance with wolves, he can probably also do synchronized swimming with sharks, and is quickly eaten, afterwards leaving said sharks with a bad taste in their mouths. Since the location of dry land has been forever lost, humanity decides to make the best of life on the water and create a civilization that floats. An entrepeneur by the name of L. Luthor decides to build the first floating Quik-Stop. Since Kevin Costner has been mutilated by marine predators and there are no other celebrities left who will work for peanuts, Luthor decides to hire two guys who used to have experience standing outside of a convenience store all day to attend the grand opening of Floating Quik-Stop. Enter Jay and Silent Bob, who have been floating about aimlessly, and treading the waters of life in relative anonymity for years, but are back and hunting for some action.

Then there is Scenario 4: Kevin declares that he will make another movie with Jay and Silent Bob only when he has absolutely undeniable proof that hell has frozen over. One year later Joel Schumacher, Tim Burton and PT Anderson team up and make a new Batman movie, which is universally acclaimed as not only the best movie ever made, but is by far the greatest and most accurate Batman story ever. The day after its release Kevin grabs his pen and begins to write....
team up and

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